
  • Those who would like to be able to read newspapers, documents, magazines and books.
  • Should know 800 - 1,200 Kanji characters.
Focus and Achievement Goals
  • The focus is on conversation, reading, writing and Kanji.
  • Reading newspapers, magazines and books. Reading, summarizing and discussing newspapers, magazines and books.
After the level check, we will determine the textbooks to be used.

Main textbook: Example "中級から上級への日本語" (by The Japan Times)
Part 1(Chapter 1-5)Number of lessons required
90 minutes lesson x 16 times
(varies depending on the learner's situation, frequency of lessons, and length of each lesson)
Chapter Lesson Contents
1-3 ひと味違う自己紹介
4-6 間取りの本当の意味
7-9 「買う」楽しみ
4 10-12 不思議な習慣
5 13-16 地球を守る
Part 2(Chapter 6-10)Number of lessons required
90 minutes lesson x 16 times
(varies depending on the learner's situation, frequency of lessons, and length of each lesson)
Chapter Lesson Contents
6 1-3 心と体のバランス
7 4-6 今どきの大学生
8 7-9 日本の会社に入るまで
9 10-12 日本の子供たち
10 13-16 男と女

Kanji textbook and quiz
Kanji 1Kanji 2